Sunday, April 3, 2022


A Poet, an Orator, and a Storyteller.

The first African American female to recite a poem. Born in Africa, in 1733. Kidnapped as an infant and enslaved in ameriKKKa. Lucy Terry was only 16 years of age when she recited her only surviving poem “Bars Fight.” which was orally recited until published in 1855. Enslaved until 1756, when a prosperous free black man named Obijah Prince purchased her freedom and married her.

Without further ado. I present Lucy Terry Prince’s renowned poem “Bars Fight.” Detailing the attacks that she witnessed.


August 'twas, the twenty-fifth,

Seventeen hundred forty-six,

The Indians did an ambush lay,

Some very valient men to slay,

The names of whom I'll not leave out:

Samuel Allen like a hero fout,

And though he was so brave and bold,

His face no more shall we behold;

Eleazer Hawks was killed outright,

Before he had time to fight

Before he did the Indians see,

Was shot and killed immediately:

Oliver Amsden he was slain,

Which caused his friends much grief and pain;

Simeon Amsden that found dead,

Not many rods off from his head;

Adonijah Gillet, we do hear,

Did lose his life, which was so dear;

John Saddler fled across the water,

And so he escaped the dreadful slaughter;

Eunice Allen seen the Indians comeing,

And hoped to save herself by running,

And not her petticoats stopt her,

The awful creatures had not cotched her,

And tommyhawked her on the head,

And left her on the ground for dead;

Young Samuel Allen, oh! lack-a-day,

Was taken and carried to Canada.

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