How Do You Write
A Poem?
how do you write a poem
about someone so close
to you that when you say ahhhhh
they say chuuuu
what can they ask you to put
on paper that isn’t already written
on your face
and does the paper make it
any more real
that without them
life would be not
impossible but certainly
more difficult
and why would someone need
a poem to say when i come
home if you’re not there
i search the air
for your scent
would i search any less
if i told the world
i don’t care at all
and love is so complete
that touch or not we blend
to each other the things
that matter aren’t all about
baaaanging (i can be baaaanged all
day long) but finding a spot
where i can be free
of all the physical
and emotional bullshit
and simply sit with a cup
of coffee and say to you
“i’m tired” don’t you know
those are my love words
and say to you “how was your
day” doesn’t that show
i care or say to you “we lost
a friend” and not want to share
that loss with strangers
don’t you already know
what i feel and if
you don’t maybe
i should check my feelings
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